Sunday, November 09, 2008

Fall in Santa Fe

Fall may be shortlived since winter can't seem to wait to get here. Last Sunday I saw beautiful sunshine on the drive to the local Borders. As I walked in the front door of the store and turned around, a blizzard came out of nowhere, with the snow blowing perfectly horizontal at 45 mph. In less than 5 minutes it was gone and the sunshine was back. The clerk told me, "If you don't like the weather in Santa Fe, just wait five minutes and it will change." (Much like when I lived in England!)
Since moving here, daily temperature highs and lows have been at least 30 degrees apart so it has been a challenge layering to anticipate the day's variety. Really need to buy gloves.
An additional thought; this blog is focused on travel, but it is hard to ignore the impact of the recent historical election. I couldn't leave the TV throughout the election process and as the results were announced, I watched with joy as crowds from all over the world cheered the news. As an international traveller during the last 8 years, it has been increasingly difficult to answer questions about the President and the war. The cheering international crowds have given me hope that we travellers will again receive the warm welcomes of previous days. I agree with the eloquent letter to the Editor that Tal Streeter wrote in todays' The New Mexican newspaper:
"As a result (of the election), Americans can walk taller both here and abroad as citizens of the world, preparing with renewed hope for the opportunity of sharing the responsibility for the good health of this precious little blue marble and its inhabitants, our home in the universe."
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