Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holiday Memories of Friends

Multiple decades ago I visited Scotland while on a business trip to England. I was staying in beautiful Edinburgh when I saw a sign advertising a music festival at the Firth of Forth (Sp?). I blindly took a cab to the festival not realizing that (1) no cab would ever come to the festival to pick me up and (2) the temperature would drop 40 degrees while I was at the festival. An incredible family instantly adopted the bumbling tourist from America and made sure that I was warm, fed, imbibed, and transported post festival back to my hotel. They were the kindest people I have ever met and I immediately felt like a welcome part of their family. Every Christmas since meeting them, I have received a Christmas card from Isobel and Jim letting me know how they and their family are doing. I keep telling them that they should be getting a commision from the Scottish tourism Council because they are living proof of the welcoming hospitality of Scotland.
As I gaze out at my snow covered driveway here in Santa Fe, I wish you all warm memories of good friends during this holiday season.
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First Christmas in Santa Fe

For the first time ever, I have a 30 ft ceiling in the living room. Despite the little internal voice telling me not to be crazy, I bought a 16 ft tree. This also meant buying my very first step ladder. Decorating was great fun and filled with memories. All of the old ornaments from decades ago reminded me of wonderful friends that I don't see anymore and life cycles that I've passed through. A tiny red cloth Volkswagon purchased the year I bought my very first car - a 69 VW with 4 smashed fenders. The year I took flying lessons was commererated by the 10+ airplane ornaments. Multitudes of skiing and kitty ornaments evidence these two loves. One of my favorites ornaments is a boat in a bottle labelled "Marion's Folly" from dear friends who talked me out of buying a boat to live on. Thank you thank you thank you.
And Happy Holidays and profound nostalgia to everyone!
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Should I Do This?

I caught this picture of a neighbor actually shovelling snow from his roof. I'm almost too embarrassed to ask if I'm supposed to be doing this. We all have flat roofs. Is there a problem if there is too much snow?
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Remember That Snow I Was Wishing For?

Well, it did snow again - and I was completely unprepared. I tried to drive to the local tire store but didn't make it 5 blocks before doing a 360. Very carefully and very slowly I returned home. 5 days later it melted enough for me to buy snowtires with studs. Now it feels like I'm driving on gravel all the time - but I'm ready!
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Sanctuario de Guadalupe

A beautiful part of the Santa Fe historic area
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Doorways of Santa Fe

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Doorways of Santa Fe

There are entire books dedicated to the unique doorways of the city. On a recent icey day I explored the historic area close to the Santa Fe River and Guadalupe Street.
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Mountains North of Santa Fe

The city is nestled in mountains that change, almost by the hour. A dusting of snow gives the skiers hope that the season will be here soon.
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