Also, the townships seem to have a benefactor in Ireland who goes there on a regular basis to replace shacks with small woooden homes. You can see his little neighborhoods of yellow houses with red roofs throughout the townships.
Finally there is a lovely community center in the Langa township where locals sell their crafts and perform traditional dances for visiting tourists. It's a small way for tourists to give something to the communities.
For now, this is the end of my Capetown experience. With all the beauty and sadness, I have lost my heart to this city and it was hard to leave.
I'm now in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia. After catching a bug my last day in Capetown, I've spent 2 days in bed here with a raging fever, but now I'm ready to go out and see this beautiful city. The entire country of Namibia has 1.8 million people -fewer people than the 6 million people in Capetown alone. It's a country of beautiful deserts and oceans. Now I just need to get out and see it!