Dirving in Bhutan was an adventure in and of itself. This is the part of the road that is under construction. It is also the only road between the two major cities and was created by blasting into the rock on the side of the mountain. Three times a day the traffic is stopped for 2 hours so that work crews can continue blasting. All travel has to be timed around the blasting schedule.
Archery is the national sport of Bhutan and the game is accompanied with traditional dancing before, during, and after the competition
One of the many exquisite Bhuddist Temples in Bhutan
The gateway separating India from Bhutan.
This is Kinzang wearing his Goh. Law dictates that all men must wear the traditional Bhutanese Goh.
Kinzang, my guide in Bhutan and all-around great guy (in his civies).