Unfortunately, the balloonist's worst fear happened - the winds picked up and it was too windy to take off.
We waited around until fairly late in the day, but the winds continued to blow and we finally called it a day around 8 pm.
This morning there was a 3 hour recap of the Balloon Fiesta on TV and I learned that the evening's activities had been cancelled, but this morning the balloons did take off. Also, this evening (Sunday evening), is usually the second most poular part of the fiesta so it will be interesting to see if the winds die down in time.
If I could sum up my first time experience at the fiesta I would describe it as enchanting. As we watched the balloons emerge from the darkness and into the air, we were all like little kids looking on in wonderment. How many times in your life do you have the chance to recapture that sense of awe you experienced as a little kid looking at all the unwrapped presents under the tree? That's what it felt like watching the balloons slowly come to life and rise into the air. It was like being with two football fields full of excited little kids on Christmas morning and you are one of them.
I highly recommend it.