With Helena guiding me, I spent the morning working through the walkways and taking hundreds of pictures. Looking down at the people riding rafts into the falls convinced me that I had to try it and it was the ride of a lifetime. If you decide to try it - here is my advice, (as usual, learned the hard way).
Wear a bathing suit under your clothes.
Wear tennis shoes.
Be in excellent condition for the walk back up the mountain.
Bring ear plugs. You really do go into the falls and the water is coming at you from all directions.
Don't forget to breathe. I had to keep reminding myself as the cold water was pounding away at me.
More photos of the walkways and the raft ride are on the google site mentioned in my last blog, and by the way, the hyperlink works! Just click on the address typed in color. Happy Trails and Happy Viewing!