Just before leaving Mumbai, the devastating quake hit Pakistan and parts of India. I didn't want my Brother Eddie to worry, so I gave him a call. Unfortunately my math was off and I called him at 3am his time. Eddie wasn't worried. Eddie was asleep and oblivious to anything going on in the world. Timing is everything....From Mumbai I flew to Hong Kong and then a quick trip to Xi'an China, a very special place for me. I was in graduate school in March 1974 when I picked up a copy of Time magazine with a picture of the terra cotta warriors from Xi'an on the cover. Six local farmers had been digging a well when they discovered a piece of terra cotta which led to what many feel is the greatest archeological find of the twentieth century. This led to the excavation of the burial grounds of Emporer Qin Shi Hung (259-210 bc), the first emporer to unify the 7 warring states into what is now China. He became King at the age of 13 and spent most of his reign and his country's money on preparing for his afterlife. The project took 720,000 workers and 39 years to complete. In order to protect him in the afterlife, he had over 7,000 life-sized terra cotta horses and armoured warriors created as well as more than 100 wooden charriots and many exquisite ancient weapons. To me the most fascinating aspect of the find is that each warrior is an individual - they are all different and each one was possibly modelled after real soldiers in his army. The details are exquisite. Since seeing the original magazine article, I have seen numerous pictures, but I wasn't sure how they would be displayed. My "terra cotta warriors" guide, who called himself Nebraska, led me to an enormous gymnasium-type structure that covered the area of 3 football fields. Walking inside, I found the warriors lined up in military precision facing me, looking up from the furrow created to free them from the earth. The effect is profound: the silent warriors who have been hidden for so long are standing in formation in a kind of half-light that protects them from fading. It was worth the wait! No amount of imagination can prepare you for that first impact. I spent hours taking pictures of all 3 sites. Even though 100s of archeologists have been working on the site since the 70s, most of the work is ahead. The work is painstaking and the warriors greeting you have all been constructed from the shards found at that location. ......After several hours, I bid Nebraska good by and headed on to the next stop; the actual grave site of Emporer Qin Shi Hung, just down the road from his warrior protectors. A very quick tour there and then on to the final part of the day, a visit to Huaqing Palace. Originally the palace was built by Chinese Emporers to take advantage of a natural hot springs flowing there. What made it famous was the great love affair between Emporer Li Long ji and Lady Yang. The Emporer had 1000s of concubines when he noticed and fell in love with Lady Yang. She was the 18 year old concubine of his son, but the son, seeing that his father was in love, gave Lady Yang to him as a gift. The emporer was so in love with her that they would spend months at the Huaqing Palace, singing, dancing, playing cards, and soaking in the tubs fed by the hot springs. (I think this is where the concept of California was born). The story also has political intrigue and the Emporer was forced to kill Lady Yang by cutting her throat. He lived the rest of his life in misery, missing her terribly, but after his death they were once again reunited in love - or so the story goes.....Romance nothwithstanding, I had to say farewell to Xi'an and board a plane for Tibet. Stay tuned and happy trails......Marion