I spent a lot of the day trying to find out who had won the Super Bowl and that evening a full moon greeted me. All in all, a nice welcome

The South American trip is over but I plan to continue the blog, adding bits from time to time about travelling in general. Also, I still hope to visit Abu Simbel Egypt in October for the special sunrise ceremony and hopefully put together another trip around the world for the end of this year.
In closing, a quick note about this blog. Because everything I write is in reverse order and previous contents are listed by date, not title, I want to give a quick summary of what's in the blog, especially if someone is just tuning in.
Below is a travel summary and photos of my first visits to Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Argentina. Photo Albums of the South American trip can be found at;
After the South American trip entries are descriptions and photos of a trip I took around the world to Peru, Egypt, Russia, India, Madagascar, Kenya, Tanzania, Bhutan, Tibet, China, and Hong Kong. Everywhere I travel I try to go to countries I haven't visited before, so much of the blog is a first timer's perspective.
I hope that you enjoy the blog and that you will continue to travel along with me.
Happy Trails