If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend a DVD titled "Balibo." The central theme is the story of how 5 Australian reporters were slaughtered by the Indonesian army that was taking control of Timore-Leste at the beginning of their 20 year rule. At the same time it gives you an idea of what the Timorese lived through in this reign of terror. It is not easy viewing but it does help you understand the shyness or wariness that you find with the Timorese. Also, it is rare to see any older people here since so many were executed during this period.
One famous massacre here took place when a group of Timorese were peacefully protesting the Indonesian occupation, at the Santa Cruz cemetary. The Indonesian Army slaughtered the protesters as they exited the cemetary. The 200 people killed are buried in a cemetary next to Santa Cruz with stark white crosses marking their graves.
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