To get to the Trinity Site we had to meet up with a bus and caravan of cars that would be lead into the Missile Range. I was amazed at the number of cars that lined up for the trip (50+?) and most seemed to bring their dogs along. To be there for the 7:30am start time we had to spend the night in Alamogordo which meant travelling to Alamogordo on one of the world's most boring stretch of highway (Rt 380 between San Antonio and Carrizon).

I will testify under oath that there is NOTHING on that stretch of road except (ironically) picnic tables. Why is completely beyond me.
The car wait in line to get started was like a mini happening with vendors selling coffee and pastries and everyone walking their dogs for the last time before the wagon train took off.
The trip through the missile range was fascinating. In the middle of the dessert was a small grand stand (I'm guessing to watch things blow up).
Also, we were startled to see a couple of Oryx (African antelope) grazing in the dessert. I'm wondering, why you would want these beautiful exotic antelope grazing in a missle range? How do they keep them safe?
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