Monday, June 04, 2012

Farewell to Doug

The trip to Key West as well as Doug's trip to the US seemed to go by in a blur. His last week here was spent finishing up projects around the house. In a future section of this blog I will cover that as well as the fun time that we had with Sandy and Adrian, wonderful friends of mine from Jacksonville, FL. We had a ball making a movie for Sandy to show to her first grade class. They were fascinated that Sandy knew an Australian and had lots of questions. Sandy turned those questions into an interview format with Doug as the star. The thank you letters from Sandy's class were treasured reminders of Doug's time here.
The day after I took Doug to the airport it poured buckets here and I noticed this poor heron standing in the river that is produced in my front yard every time it rains. He looked so sad and lonely. I knew exactly how he felt.

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