Monday, June 04, 2012

Everglades Surprise

How can you travel across the Everglades without an airboat ride? We were crossing the Everglades on Rt 41 and saw the signs everywhere for the rides, but as soon as we decided to try it, the boats were shutting down for the night. We decided to stay at the next closest hotel and try again in the morning. As luck would have it, we found a casino in the middle of nowhere. The Miccosukee Indian tribe has a Resort and Gaming Casino where Rt 41 crosses US 1, and believe me that there is nothing else there for miles. Rooms are $130 a night, but if you sign up to be a club member you get the room for $85, you receive $30 to gamble away, and a two for one breakfast pass. It was amazing. The rooms were beautiful and the food first rate. It was like finding an oasisi in the middle of the desert! And best of all, we were first in line the next morning for the airboat ride through the Everglades - and there were plenty of alligators to see - all hanging out about a foot from where we sat!

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