Sunday, December 13, 2009

Greetings from Cambodia

I've been here in Cambodia for 2 days. The town is Siem Reap and it is known as the site of the largest religious temple in the world - Angkor Watt. This picture is actually one of the small temples along the road in the town.
Yesterday was spent going through 7 of the smaller temples and today I meet with my guide Snake to visit Angkor Watt. We've timed it for the money shot everyone here is looking for: when the sun sets on the temple it turns golden.
If you saw the first Laura Croft Tomb Raider movie you have seen one of the temples of Angkor Watt.
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It's All Relative

I Love this sign. A US Dollar is equal to about 34 Thai Bhat so the sign isn't really a deterant. My other favorite sign was at a 24 hour restaurant: "We're never close."
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Bored With the Floating Market Chaos

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Floating Traffic Jam

Combine the usual tourists at the floating Market with all the folks who have the day off for the King's Birthday and you have floating gridlock. After 15 minutes of going no where my rower took us back to the dock.
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