Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Littlest Alien & Farewell to Roswell

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Chance Meeting With Sci Fi Author

Taking a breather before leaving, I met Terry Duke who writes Science Fiction. His card states - ("Traveler, A Story of Time Travel" A Sci Fi Novel by Terry Duke, Available on and Imagine a distant future...... )
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Last Minute UFO Shopping Spree

Before leaving the Roswell UFO Convention there was time for one last lap around the convention center to buy those hard to find UFO items incuding Tshirts, UFO drink huggies, UFO fake drivers licenses, and some of the pride of Roswell - Pecos Flavors Wine and Beer. The wine includes Flyin Saucer red and the beer includes Roswell Alien Amber Ale. (I kid you not!)
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Roswell as the "Lucky" City

Part of the tour was to view some of the more earthly aspects of Roswell. Mary made the point of Roswell being a "lucky city" in two ways. First, 9 people got together and bought a ticket to a multistate lottery and won - each coming away with multi millions of dollars. Secondly the recent winner of the Kentucky Derby - Mine That Bird - comes from Roswell. Saying he was a long shot is a gross understatement. Mine That Bird was purchased from Canada for $9,000 and went on to win $1.5 million dollars. He wasn't even entered in the race, but was allowed in as a last minute replacement.
This photo is of the entryway of one of the owners' of Mine That Bird's ranch - appropriately named Bueno Suero Equine (Good luck horses).
I highly recommend this tour for anyone visiting Roswell. Mary has one of those personalities that makes her the perfect tour guide - bright, charming, witty, and eternally patient. You can tell that she loves her city. Here is her contact info - (575) 637-9282 or .
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Hangar 84

This is the famous (infamous?) hangar 84 where the wreckage from the 1947 UFO crash was shipped to a military base. Mary's orignal plans were to also provide a tour to the site of the crash itself - known as the debris site, but the present owners of the site are worried about liability issues. One person on the tour joked that the owners couldn't get abduction insurance.
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Amazing Roswell Tours

A new addition this year to the Roswell UFO Convention is the Amazing Roswell Tours started by Mary Weber. It gives folks an entertaining and balanced view of the city of Roswell. Most people (even internationally) associate Roswell with the UFO experience, but the city has several other sides. Mary's tour touches on the UFO phenomenon, but it also shows you its' earthly side.
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WW "Mack" Brazel and the Start of the UFO Phenomenon

This is the guy who started it all - a rancher in Roswell New Mexico. In early July 1947 there was a lot of reported UFO activity in the skies both internationally and in the US, but Mr. Brazel was the rancher who heard a crash on his Roswell ranch and decided to investigate it. He found unusual pieces of wreckage and took it into town to show the sheriff. Eventually the military became involved and Mr. Brazel was locked up for a week with no contact with anyone. When he was released he refused to talk about his experiences and the military explanation was changed to a "weather balloon crash." No wonder there are so many conspiracy buffs!
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Roswell UFO Museum

At any given time there were numerous events happening all over the city for the UFO Convention, but I couldn't leave Roswell without seeing the UFO museum. It was an incredible experience and the museum does an excellent and pursuasive job of documenting the events that happened in and around Roswell during July of 1947. There are numerous sworn statements by people who saw the wreckage of the UFOs, helped transfer the pieces of the wreckage and bodies(!!), and who helped the government ensure that all would be kept secret. To date, the "official" government accounts of the wreckage have not been released.
The museum has displays of original photos and recreations of the original events. It also has an extensive research library for UFO enthusiasts or the curious.
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Cutest Alien Watcher at UFO Convention

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Cosmic Ray's Car

In addition to all the science charts and maps, Cosmic Ray's car has been autographed by various scientists and people associated with science and science fiction including physicists Freeman Dyson and Darlene Hoffman, astronauts Sally Ride and Wally Shierra , and the son of the best science fiction writer - Gene Rodenberry.
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Cosmic Ray

Ray travels in this car to festivals to promote the knowledge of science. He uses the car to get kids interested in all aspects of science. In the past he focused on particle physics and chemistry, but recently he has turned to molecular biology (DNA). His website is and it offers lots of free stuff to help kids learn science (including his patented fun periodical table of the elements!
Ray is an interesting guy to talk to and he admitted to me that he doesn't really believe in UFOs. The convention was merely an opportunity to teach science to a lot of kids.
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Biker Aliens

Even without the green heads these bikers would be intimidating.
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Alien Ferrett

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With Apologies to Monet

Dear friends in Vienna Virginia have a white standard poodle named Monet and I can imagine their reaction to this photo of an alien poodle jockey. It took almost an hour of adjusting to get the alien to sit correctly in the saddle.
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UFO Fantasy in Green

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2nd Place Winner - Pet UFO Costume

This guy definitely deserved first place for patiently wearing all of this costume - complete with alien high tops. Notice the Trekkie in the background. How many places can you get away with wearing that Star Trek outfit?
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Coordination is Essential

Coordinating pet and people UFO costumes seemed to add to the dramatic effect.
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Elaborate Pet Costumes

Some Pet costumes were fairly extreme. Tin foil was definitely a favorite material. Can't you just hear what these guys are saying?
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Prep for the UFO Pet Costume Competition

I couldn't believe how patient the pet contestants were as their owners completed last minute costume adjustments.
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A SciFi Ecology Lesson

Part of the UFO Convention entertainment were these Marvel Comics characters teaching lessons in preserving the environment. The hodge podge of activites was incredibly diverse including a pet costume contest, a people costume contest, an alien Idol contest, an Alien chase (5 and 10K race), a parade, planetarium events, film festival, UFO speakers, and a workshop for "building your own rocket."
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UFO Convention in Roswell, NM

Registration for the 4 days of UFO activities started at the Roswell Convention and Visitors' Center, complete with its' very own R2D2 mailbox. It is actually painted like this all year round, not just for the UFO convention. Notice the website address!
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Roswell Locals

The City of Roswell looks like any typical city in New Mexico, except for the references to UFOs. (Although with 45,000 people, Roswell is actually the 4th most populated city in this sparsely populated state).
The sign for McDonalds offers an "out of this world" experience. All of the hotel signs welcome the UFOers and many of the street lights have the painted slanted eyes of an alien visitor.
My first encounter with a local Roswellian was with Lacey (pictured) who works at Applebees. I asked her about all the crazies who had descended on her city and all the UFO fuss. Lacey said that her 90 year old Grandmother remembers the night when the UFO crash happened. There was no electricity on her ranch, but that evening the entire side of the barn lit up, and for that reason, she is a believer.
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July 4th and the Roswell Aliens

The July 4th holiday weekend is a bit schizophrenic for the citizens of Roswell, New Mexico. Yes, it has the typical 4th of July Independence Day celebration, but, more in keeping with the movie "Independence Day", it also celebrates its' famous alien invasion.
Roswell is famous for a series of sightings and also a crash landing of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in July 1947. Just think - without Roswell, there would be no X-Files.
Since Santa Fe is only 200 miles from Roswell, I packed Kitty and credit cards and took off for the annual UFO Festival after researching the festival on their site. I highly recommend seeing for the great graphics and eerie music. Once it finishes loading to a flying saucer, click on "Events" for a super graphic of the earth, moon and sun.
On the trip to Roswell the landscape in the distance looked like the desert with a saucer shaped object in the sky. Just kidding - it's a raindrop on my windshield!
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