Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Farewell Until.....

Only 4 days before I leave, so here is a quick summary of the remaining countries I will be visiting.****After Africa, I go to Moscow the capital of Russia for 5 days (for some nice shots of Moscow, see the first part of the Tom Hanks movie "Castaway.") Then on to India and a stop in the tiny country of Bhutan (between India, Nepal, China, and Tibet). In India I will be visiting the Taj Mahal as well as areas in the northwest and Bombay (now called Mumbai). From India I travel to Hong Kong, Xi'an China, and Tibet. Xi'an is where the emporer's tomb containing thousands of lifesized warriors on horseback was recently discovered.*** If you have seen Brad Pitt's movie "Seven Years in Tibet" you will know why I want to go to Tibet, (even if Brad isn't there). Finally, around Oct 20, I head back home to Jacksonville Beach.****While travelling I will try to keep this Blog updated as much as I can, but computer terminals may be tough to find. At a minimum, I will continue the Blog when I return - with lots of stories and new pictures. Take care of yourselves while I am gone. Thanks to everyone for reading the Log and for giving me ongoing encouragement and advice. In this life, I have been blessed with incredible friends.***** Happy Trails from RamblinMe

Kitty helping me pack during my last 4 days before I leave Posted by Picasa