Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Best Of Friends

Sometimes in life you stumble into people who turn out to be the best of friends that anyone could hope for. Sandy and Adrian are those people for me. The fact that I am sitting here in my house on the canal is due in large part to their tireless efforts and extensive knowledge about real estate and what it takes to buy a house. They looked throughout Florida for 5 years before buying their vacation house in Hudson, and when I decided to buy, I swooped in and they offered me all their support based on their years of searching. They spent weeks of their time going from house to house on the search as well as helping me through the pain of the purchase transaction.
If I ever need any kind of information about anything I only need to mention it and they are working on an answer. Most importantly, they are just dear friends and all that the term implies.
In the friendship department, I won the Lotto!

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