Thursday, May 19, 2011


The celebrations actually started yesterday here in Timor-Leste to celebrate 13 years of Indepence from the controlling Indonesian Army. Huge open air trucks were filled with screaming citizens waving flags, blowing horns, and creating traffic jams on the main Komora road. This is a major celebration for the locals and the expats have adopted a seige mentality. Expats are staying on the west side of Dili trying to avoid the enormous traffic jams, parking problems and revelry that has been going on since noon yesterday. For many, this is a 4 day holiday and everyone seems to be taking advantage of it. Doug and I have been asked by St Michael's College to take photos of their band in action today at a ceremony to be held at the Governor's Palace, (in the thick of the most conjested area). Hopefully we will have some interesting photos to share on the blog. It is a perfect day here - just the right kind of day for a massive Independence Day celebration!

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