Monday, February 15, 2010

Egypt's Western Desert-Journey's End

The distance between Cairo in the north, following the Nile south to Luxor, is about 500 miles. If you take the long way through the one road traveling through the western desert, it's almost 1,000 miles.
After 4 days and lots of yellow, white and black sand, I've arrived in Luxor - a large tourist town, known for it's 4000 year old tombs of the ancient Kings and Queens. It does not however, have a lot of WiFi, so I'm sitting in the lobby of the Winter Palace, the most exclusive place in town. This is where heads of countries stay when they are in town. It may have the only wifi in the city, so I'm sitting here, trying to look like the other tourists waiting to check in. I forgot that it is one of the few places with a dress code and I'm sitting here in jeans.
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