Saturday, February 20, 2010

फिनाल्ली - अबू सिम्बल

वहत अ हूट! थिस इस ट्रांस्लातिंग माय कमेंट्स इन्तो अरबिक। कैन'टी वेट तो सी इफ आईटी कोमेस ओऊ थिस वे ओं माय ब्लॉग इन थे उस।
हैप्पी ट्रेल्स


Anonymous said...

talk about being a Cougar!
It was great talking to you. Stay safe.
Paul & Suzanne

Ramblinme said...

a girl can always dream. I didn't mention the 10-50 people who were with us the entire time. Also, at 25, the age difference is too much for me to comprehend. When did that happen? M