Thursday, July 09, 2009

July 4th and the Roswell Aliens

The July 4th holiday weekend is a bit schizophrenic for the citizens of Roswell, New Mexico. Yes, it has the typical 4th of July Independence Day celebration, but, more in keeping with the movie "Independence Day", it also celebrates its' famous alien invasion.
Roswell is famous for a series of sightings and also a crash landing of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in July 1947. Just think - without Roswell, there would be no X-Files.
Since Santa Fe is only 200 miles from Roswell, I packed Kitty and credit cards and took off for the annual UFO Festival after researching the festival on their site. I highly recommend seeing for the great graphics and eerie music. Once it finishes loading to a flying saucer, click on "Events" for a super graphic of the earth, moon and sun.
On the trip to Roswell the landscape in the distance looked like the desert with a saucer shaped object in the sky. Just kidding - it's a raindrop on my windshield!
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