Thursday, July 09, 2009

Roswell Locals

The City of Roswell looks like any typical city in New Mexico, except for the references to UFOs. (Although with 45,000 people, Roswell is actually the 4th most populated city in this sparsely populated state).
The sign for McDonalds offers an "out of this world" experience. All of the hotel signs welcome the UFOers and many of the street lights have the painted slanted eyes of an alien visitor.
My first encounter with a local Roswellian was with Lacey (pictured) who works at Applebees. I asked her about all the crazies who had descended on her city and all the UFO fuss. Lacey said that her 90 year old Grandmother remembers the night when the UFO crash happened. There was no electricity on her ranch, but that evening the entire side of the barn lit up, and for that reason, she is a believer.
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