Monday, March 12, 2007

You're Still Here!

It's humbling to hear that some folks still check in to my blog, even though it has been over a year (?) since my last entry. An article in the local news stated that even though there are many millions of blogs, the average readership is 1 (0ne). My favorite quote from the article; "This means that not even your Mom is reading it." Given the statistics, thanks for reading! reason for restarting the blog is that somehow, I've saved almost enough frequent flyer miles for a second trip around the world. Again I want to travel to 6 places I have never been. As plans are confirmed I will give details here, so stay tuned.....Finally, as someone who has traveled my entire life, (My Dad was in the military so I moved a lot. Moving here to Florida was my 26th move), I am realizing that some of the greatest happiness can come from travelling back in time - to renew old friendships. Last week a group of friends who worked together with me in California decades ago, came for a visit. To quote Hallmark, "a true friend is someone who knows the worst about you, but remains your friend anyway." Thanks to great friends who don't give up..............Happy Trails, RamblinMe

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