Saturday, March 25, 2006

Travel Tips for You

Now that my wings are clipped while I'm saving for the next trip, it is a good time to share a few travel tips that may make your next trip even easier. I highly recommend a computer product called GoToMyPC. In every country that I travelled, I was able to use a local computer to update my blog and check my messages. The beauty of GoToMyPC is that it brings up the exact computer screen that you have at home when you go online and it allows you to perform all of the functions that you would if you were at home, including accessing your phone book and files, replying easily to emails, printing, etc. It made all the difference for me. If you're interested, log on to Customer service is outstanding, the entire process and company is very savvy about international travel, and it costs only $20 a month. Also, you are not locked into a contract. I've stopped the service and will start again whenever I travel........Second recommendation - a product called Everglades Outdoor Protective Clothing Treatment Insect Repellent. You use it to make any clothes that you have bugproof. This is especially important to avoid malaria carrying mosquitos. I almost bought BuzzOff clothing that has a built in repellent but they are outrageously expensive. Everglades treated clothes have the exact same protection that BuzzOff advertises. Also Everglades works and it stays on your clothes through five washings!!! I was the only tourist that I saw in Peru who wasn't covered in bug bites. I found mine over the internet.........Third, don't hug! Being a southerner I want to hug everyone. In Africa I was sadly saying goodby to my guides and hugged one of them. He responded by grabbing my butt. Hugs, just don't translate as well......Finally, this last idea is from my Virginia friend Bill - instead of bringing candy to give away to kids, bring children's flavored vitamins to hand out. There is so much malnutrition in some countries that even this small effort helps.....That's all for now - and happy trails from Ramblin Me


Anonymous said...

Great Travel Tips!
Your African hugging experience is so funny. Hahaha...I believe its not a tradition. May be the guide was short to your height and his hand just slipped down..

In most of asian countries, opposite sex avoid touching each other...Shaking hand with guides and managers is fine. Some young guides in India even would not mind hugging. Its changing!But no kissing! It can be misinterpreted.

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