Tuesday, October 04, 2005

In India, it is definitely not the destination, it's the journey!!!

The road from Delhi to Agra (best known for the Taj Mahal), is the major highway connecting the two cities. Thousands of tourists travel this route all year long. That's why I was surprised at my experience on the drive between the 2 cities. It redefined chaos. In India cows are considered sacred and they are allowed to roam anywhere they wish, including the middle of a busy highway. Since no one is eating the cows and since there are no fences that keep them in or out, they are everywhere, and sometimes in great numbers. In addition the roads are filled with 1000s of tock tocks; the Indian taxi. It is a three wheeler, the size of a golf cart. It has a tin roof, but no sides. It's an easy target for cars and buses, but the drivers are fearless and oblivious to anything happening around them. In general, no one obeys any traffic rules. The one with the most bravado usually can get in front, but the concepts of traffic lights, signs, or lanes hasn't taken hold yet. Add to the mix 100s of hand pulled carts, camel pulled carts, scores of people aimlessly walking down the road or sitting on the curbs, pigs, sheep, chickens, goats, ducks, etc., walking in the road and you have the grand slam of obstacle courses. Also, everyone is driving at top speed and they are compelled to pass each other. Even though it's only a 4 hour drive, there are numerous toll roads as well as a stop where Bishan the driver had to get out of the car and walk to a government office to pay a road tax. As he left, he warned me to keep the windows rolled up and not to open the doors until he returned. I could not make up the following! A Man with a giant trained brown bear on a leash came up to the car and had the bear do his full range of tricks. Then a guy came over with 2 monkeys in dresses and they went through their repoirtoire. Also, the two acts combined for their encore, with the monkeys riding around on the bears back. They were joined by a snake charmer who played his flute for the cobra (in basket # 1) and the python (in basket # 2). This was followed by a guy who was selling jewelry and he started screeching his nails on the car windows saying over and over again, "Mam, jewelry Mam, please." The last was a guy with shriveled legs who came over to the car and began screeching on the windows on the other side of the car. At one point all of them were screeching on the windows and begging simultaneously. It was my worst nightmare! Bishon finally returned, got in the car, buckled up, and off we went. He turned to me and asked"Was everything OK?" "Just fine," I said......Next stop, the Taj Mahal and Agra (finally). Happy Trails, Marion

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